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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Visit to the Doctor

Original Post: Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I have visited the doctor in the last couple months more than I have in the past 10 years, not your hypochondriac. I am insured, not because I was one of the lucky ones but, because I chose to work for a company that offered good care. Anyways, I digress.

I pulled and than 9 days later tore my calf muscle, a visit to the doctor was in order. I called to schedule an appointment choosing the times available (11am the following day) and even requesting a specific doctor.

I showed up at the registration desk and after identifying self, it took less than 2 minutes and I was off to the doctor’s office. There were not too many people in the lobbies, probably because of their efficient screening process over the phone to screen out people with hang nails or a headache. It was about 5 minutes and I was called into the waiting room. A nurse observed me and the doctor saw me within a 5 minute time period. The doctor asked me some questions and looked at my injury than came to a diagnosis. I was treated with care and was in and out before an hour’s time.

Sounds like a pleasant experience. Now, imagine the government running health care, the same government that brought you the efficiently run BMV (waiting in line for hours), Medicaid and Medicare (and still were told, by liberals, choices are being made between dog food and prescriptions), social Security (that we can no longer afford to pay for), Welfare (One of the most quotable topics by the Founding Fathers, warning us against not for our current state of welfare.), and I’m sure you can add to the list. Not to mention, that you could get in trouble, under Obamacare, for not having Health care Insurance. Is that freedom of choice? So, in the eyes of a liberal, a woman has a right to kill her baby but not the choice of being insured or not? I’m not making this up. The scary part is, the Obama Administration and Congress are making this up has they go. Their main goal is to make you pay not only someone’s groceries but now their health care also.

- Micheal Garry

"If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one...."-- James Madison

Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated." --Thomas Jefferson

1 comment:

  1. I was listening to talk radio show "Michael Savage" this afternoon. He was out, but had someone filling in for him. This gentleman, who's name I have forgotten, was asking people if they really want a government run healthcare? He said if you say yes, then it simply means you don't have any idea what you are in for. He told a story about his grandparents, who lived through WWI & WWII. That both spent time in Communist concentration camps and when they were finally free they moved to Canada. There they worked all their lives to make something of their lives. No handouts. No medicare. No social security. One day his grandmother had a severe heart attack and this man ran her to the hospital. Once there he told the nurses that they had to care for his grandmother as she'd had a stroke/heart attack and was in serious condition. He was told by the nurses "I'm sorry, but we don't have enough doctors. And we don't have enough nurses" His grandmother laid in the hallway for 3 days, never being admitted into a room. Then she died in the hallway.
