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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Shame Of It All

(Original Post: Tuesday, December 22, 2009)

Once upon a time in a time a couple generations ago there lived shame. Shame was a sort of check on society’s behaviors, a kind of neighborhood watch on bad behavior, society’s conscious. The people on the watch were your parents, grandparents, neighbors, and even politicians (believe or not).

What happen to shame? Where did it go? When did shame leave town?

The fall of shame can be traced to the “New Deal”, governments attempt to solve all of society’s problems with other peoples money. This was a big part of the extinguishing of shame. It did two things; it made begging easier to do (Welfare), eliminating the shame of it by making the beggar anonymous, and strong arming the public into giving money to the anonymous beggar or taking from Peter to pay anonymous(Paul). The second thing it did was to eventually make it easier to get divorced, by making the spouse pay (most cases men) for support in the name of child support or alimony. This made it easier to divorce; this was the beginning of the climb towards a 50% divorce rate. Again showing, governments attempt to fix a problem through social engineering, made the problem worse not better.

It did not take long before the mainstream media and the interchangeable Hollywood elites followed suit in extinguishing shame. This was done by; vilifying any institution that followed a code of morality, mocking religion and family values has narrow minded and outdated, the destroying of the “Nuclear family” by promoting single moms and even glorifying them, the Promotion of gay marriage with or without children involved, saying that the presence of a father is not required to raise a child. Government replacing the father with a check. Let’s not forget trying to make legislation in the name of civil rights for a sexual preference. The whole point of this is to gain acceptance, for that you need to eliminate society’s shame of it. This can be achieved by forcing it down the public's throat(Gay Pride Parades) or by forced acceptance through legislation(Hate Crimes)

It is a natural tendency to want acceptance from everyone and shame was inconvenient for those who wanted to do, promote, or make money from shameful things and gain acceptance. The beautiful thing about shame is it requires no legislation and is society’s conscious. Without shame people accept things without care of consequence and only care about the present feeling, with everyone being right and nothing being wrong. Our leaders have no shame anymore. These leaders will offer things to voters for votes, ignoring the constitution. The voters lack shame in selling there vote for a promised bridge, post office, city/state project, etc..., enabling a politician to violate their oath of office. Society has not benefited from the absence of shame but, has suffered from the lack there of.

- Micheal Garry

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