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Monday, April 12, 2010

Would Jesus drop bombs?

(Original Post Sunday, November 8, 2009)

I saw a bumper sticker a few days ago that asked the question, "Would Jesus drop bombs?". I mulled it over a few days to figure out what was behind the question and than to address the question. Would Jesus drop bombs on his enemies? After some pondering and an education in Christianity that goes back to Sunday school, I came up with a way to respond to such a puzzling question. Puzzling because, I really do not believe the driver really was seeking the truth or really cared what Jesus would do. Instead, the driver was trying to catch Christians who support the war in hypocrisy. I discuss this only by using the Bible has a reference not my own beliefs. If you do not believe, it would be silly to even debate the question. It would be a moot point.

At this point before going on, we have to agree on the premise that God and Jesus are one of the same and that anything Jesus would or would not do would be the same of God (A part of the Holy Trinity). Those of you still with me now can proceed in having an honest look at the question, "Would Jesus drop bombs?". After thinking back about what I have studied from the Bible the answer would be undoubtedly, yes. I do not see how one reading the Bible,or at least the Cliff notes, could avoid the very same conclusion.

The Great Flood, God decided to punish mankind, by flooding the Earth for 40 days and 40 nights, because of their evil doings by wiping out a great many more people than with a bomb. Sodom and Gomorrah, because of sexual deviance it was written God had wiped out an entire city, without rebuilding it afterward. Kind of like the destruction that would occur by dropping a nuclear bomb today. Judgment Day, the unimaginable horror that will happen to those of us that are left behind is far worse than any bomb that man can drop in the arena of combat. These are to name a few of what the wrath of God has done and will do according to the Bible, to Gods enemies.

Granted some Christians themselves refer to these examples I have given as stories and some interpret them as real occurrences but, The Wrath of God, beyond bombs, is a constant theme in the Bible. It would appear that Jesus would do a lot more damage to his enemies in the end than to merely drop a bomb. I will go further to say that, Jesus would support a war that battles against an enemy that kills the young, rapes women, and enslaves their subjects. The better question to be asked is, "Would Jesus want man to live freely or under tyranny?".

- Micheal Garry

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