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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Statistics Don't Lie; First Impressions are in the Measurements

(Original Post: January 16, 2010)

I had come across an old Nike ad that a FaceBook friend had posted on her page. It is relevant to say she is a very beautiful woman that posted this ad. The ad basically spoke of, in a very sympathetic tone, how a woman is measured by things she can’t control, like her body curves (36-24-26) and not what’s inside. Going on to state that statistics lie.

A woman is often measured for her body curves by design. It is the natural order of things for a man to be drawn to a girl’s beauty, the law of attraction. Ladies do the same thing except, it is financial security that is the measurement for her. It is unusual for a beautiful girl to be with a guy that does not financially have a lot to offer, unless he is very attractive. It is very common to see a not so attractive man that is financially secure with a beautiful woman. Look around if you have doubts, it’s all around us, on television, at work, in the movies, etc…..

If liberals had their way what would be their solution? I think it would be obvious for those of us that have paid attention to liberals over the years. The goal would be the same has the goal of socialism always is. In order to make everyone equal, you would have to make everyone look the same. Since we will never see a day where above average looking people would be subjected to operations to lessen their beauty and equal the dating field (at least I hope not), they would have to turn to liberal members of congress to pass a beauty tax.

It is unfair in the liberal point of view that people are born looking more beautiful than others, it is necessary to punish those with beauty with a tax. Has we know with liberals already, what they can't convince the masses to do they turn to our willing members of congress to legislate for them ignoring the constitution in the process. This would make above average looking liberals feel better about themselves while, fleecing beautiful Americans everywhere. This money of course would go to less than average looking Americans for plastic surgery and other methods of alteration to beautify themselves.

Sorry average looking Americans, not only will you not benefit from the plan but, this plan will eventually grow too large needing more money and average looking Americans will have to pay this beauty tax to keep the program a float. Sound familiar? If liberals can convince the public on a theory to pay a Cap-N-Trade tax, a beauty tax would not be a far stretch. Remember, the goal for liberals is to feel good about themselves, outcome does not matter.

Is there some hypocrisy in the Nike ad? After all, I do not recall a Nike commercial with many women, if any, with less than beautiful measurements. Do you think that Nike is going to sell a product using a woman with less than average looks, or for that matter average looks? This ad sends a confusing message to young women, and this is why an ad such as this one is so amusing to me. Many women do not like the price that comes with their beauty, and the intentions are to make people feel better about themselves however, lets not ignore basic facts of nature and our sex sells society in order to make ourselves feel better.

I am sure there are a lot of beautiful women just as beautiful on the inside but, beauty comes with a price and that price usually comes in the form of objectification. Statistics don't lie they continue the work of beauty that nature fights so hard to keep and protect. This does not mean all beautiful women are dumb. It means that statistically speaking, the first impressions are in the measurements.

- Micheal Garry

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