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Monday, March 29, 2010

(S.O.S.) Same Old Song: An Inconvenient Debate

(Original Post - Monday, May 11, 2009)

We were sold by the media and politicians 35 years ago on an Ice Age that we were causing if we didn't change our ways. Now, with just as much certainty as then, we are being told that we are now causing Global Warming. Hell, lets have it both ways and call it Climate Change. Always be skeptical when the speaker of a cause is a politician, not a scientist.

Fact: There is not a consensus in the scientific community that temperature change is the result of man made co2, not by a long shot. There is even speculations by scientists that temperature may drive co2 levels in the atmosphere which is the opposite of what Al Gore believes to be co2 levels drive the temperature. Al Gore refuses a debate, probably because he may have to use facts to support his argument where there are none.

We, the people that don’t believe everything our politicians tell us, our told that this is a fact without a debate. We our told there is a consensus where there is not. We our taxed solely on the basis that it may be happening (gasoline taxes for emissions and smoking taxes to pay for emissions testing, etc...).

When does the taxing of our behaviors stop, our founders did not write the Constitution so that the government could tax our behavior and any taxes to help stop Global Warming is exactly that. An intrusive government taxes behavior and it needs to stop. Lets face the facts, the middle class and tax paying poor end up paying for these unproven environmental policies with higher taxes raising the price of gas, electric, and heating oil bills.

Its politicians like this I fear:

"We've got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing -- in terms of economic policy and environmental policy." Timothy Wirth, former U.S. Senator (D-Colorado)

Translation – We have to keep on deceiving the American People so that we can dictate our economic and environmental values on them. Obviously can’t win them over with the truth.

- Micheal Garry

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