We are a group of political thinkers that believe that America's Politicians need to go back to following The U.S. Constitution. We believe that an intellectual and honest debate is needed to better define what being a Conservative means. We welcome any debate as long as you can express your view without making it personal. This is a forum to express Ideas not vulgarities.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

S.O.S.: Save Our Selves (Ohio Seat-Belt Law)

It is easy to site stats for accident fatalities with people who don’t wear their seatbelts. Why is that? Well, let me ask you a question. How often have you heard a news reporter, if ever, mention after an accident that the person had been wearing their seatbelt and died or survived because they didn’t have their seatbelt on? I have never heard that mentioned or ever read about it. Do you mean to tell me that it is not possible to get into an accident when the seatbelt can do more harm? The reason they don’t report those instances is because it does not support what they have decided is what’s best for you (Political Correctness). Did someone say follow the money? The law will bring in some money through fines for the States.

Like a lot of the nanny laws out there they look for the study that supports their view. The other argument is, if a seat-belt could save your life shouldn’t you wear one? Only if you could guarantee that I will be in that accident when wearing a seat-belt would save me but, no one can guarantee that. So, shouldn’t I have the right to make the choice of wearing it or not.

The only purpose of this law is to tell me how I should be safe and that is not the governments job to do so. Who are they protecting me from in making this law of wearing my seat-belt? And, don’t get me started on the fact that the Federal Government blackmails the States into submission with highway funds to pass these intrusive laws.

- Micheal Garry

“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” -Ronald Reagan

1 comment:

  1. Why prey tell, are some human beings so compelled to control others? Are these people that simply can't control their own lives, thus they have the need to control others? What ever happened to 'live and let live'? If I am not doing something that could endanger someone else, then what I do & how I choose to live, should be no one else's business. Leave me alone and let me live my own life the bloody darned way I want to live it!
