We are a group of political thinkers that believe that America's Politicians need to go back to following The U.S. Constitution. We believe that an intellectual and honest debate is needed to better define what being a Conservative means. We welcome any debate as long as you can express your view without making it personal. This is a forum to express Ideas not vulgarities.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Sliders

When considering many issues in life as an individual or society, it is important to carefully consider all things before we make a decision. Everything we do has consequences to it, good or bad. Some of these consequences haunt or reward us throughout our lives and others cause us joy or pain for mere moments. There are decisions we make as individuals and as part of the society that sometimes create other issues and thus more decisions to be made, we call this the “Slippery Slope”.

The Sliders in society are the people that continually either make decisions without regards to consequences, ignore wrongs or are ignorant accomplices to wrongful actions of another. The most common excuse I hear by Sliders I have come across is that everybody does it. When they say this, they attempt to excuse themselves from being an accomplice by their support, when they actually, by their excuse, become part of the problem with no solution. It leads us down a slippery slope of making it an acceptable behavior for the next person. I am sure you can think of many examples that in the past were unacceptable even rude but today, because of the Sliders, is normal.

The Sliders have brought this country of ours to its knees by their looking the other way and letting things slide with our government. We have gone down many slippery Slopes and one could not be more obvious than the ever growing government. Our most dangerous Sliders are the politicians that lead us without making careful decisions. These economical and social decisions made by our politicians have led us to the brink of both economical and moral decay. They are the most dangerous of Sliders because with their ignorant accomplices come individual loss of freedoms and the tyranny that comes with it that affects us all.

Of course, not all of us our willing accomplices to letting things slide. The greatest example of this country in its battle against the Sliders is the Tea Party. Not only is this a group of Patriots that refuse to keep going down the slippery slope but, they are replacing the Sliders in office with politicians that will bring us back on sure footing. They have succeeded at making tax cuts a debate of how much rather than if we should cut. The Tea Party has waged war against the Sliders and trying to wake up as many of the ignorant accomplices at the same time.

- M. Garry

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