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Thursday, April 14, 2011

An Attempt to Redefine The Tea Party and More....

This was not directed at me but, I thought it a good example to show the misinformation being spread to keep their members from knowing the truth. This was from politablog on FaceBook.

Ha! I didn't even see the posts on here too! oh man... Don't listen to this John Martin guy, he is just another ultra-conservative, right-wing extremist. If you actually want Reason and civility in public affairs; A government accountable to the People; Liberty & Justice for All. Then join the Coffee Party, not this Tea Party crap that spews hate, lies and injustice.They are anti-science and look what they are doing in texas.

They want to remove the seperation of church and state, they want to get rid of Thomas Jefferson's ideas! They also want to make students learn and memorize Jefferson Davis' inaugural address right next to Lincoln's! It is shameful! Take action and learn! Don't try to change history and don't let the right-wing extremists change the US! They are just like the Fascists under Mussolini.

- Ashley

You are being gravely misinformed about the Tea Party. I think you might be misinformed about the failed Coffee Party too. The Coffee Party was set up to counter the beliefs of the tea Party, has in more government, more redistribution of wealth. Hate, lies, and injustice? You will have to be more specific. Anti-Science? If you refer to the believing the religion of Global Warming has a Science, you would be right. After all with Global Warming you have to believe considering there is hardly enough evidence to blame man for it. If man were being tried for crimes of Global Warming, I would say that there is plenty of reasonable doubt to dismiss the charges. It would be an injustice to make man pay for a theory.

Again, in Texas you might be exaggerating a little. Please be more specific. Besides the fact there is no such thing has separation of church and state. All that there is related to that topic is an idea that our founders did not want a state sponsored religion. They were very much all about freedom of religion, a main reason for independence was so men can freely associate with their religion.

Thomas Jefferson's ideas? Have you read any of his quotes. They are all about not using government for social engineering mostly and restraining government growth for the good of freedom.

Fascist? Once more, you need to take a look at the words. The Tea Party movement ideas of less government and more freedom is hardly authoritarian. Now, telling people how they should live their lives and making it law, that fits the definition of fascism and is more towards the liberal activity in government we have today.

- Micheal Garry

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