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Friday, April 22, 2011

Going Green: Government sponsored religion

Some of us go to church or other place of worship and are concerned about right and wrong and the rewards and punishments that come with not living a morally correct life. There are some of us that either are agnostic or have declared the belief in the existence of nothing regarding a higher intelligence.

Where does Environmentalism fall?

Let’s take a look at today’s Environmentalist. They believe man is ruining the Earth. That is the belief that all other notions come from in Environmentalism. That by itself does not make it a religion but, what brings them to that conclusion does. Environmentalism is not just a religious view it also has economical and political parts to it (Anti-Capitalism/Liberal).

The biggest modern day environmentalist belief is that the Earth is warming and we are having drastic weather because of what man is doing. Sadly, Al Gore was not the first to propagate this notion, 30 years before, Liberals were sure that the Earth was cooling because of what man was doing. Strangely enough, they also called for more government to solve the problem. This meant more regulations and a higher cost of doing business in the states.

This makes it more of a religious movement because you have to take a leap of faith to make this conclusion when there is nowhere close to a consensus that would make it more than a theory. It also, like most religions, has a lifestyle that they believe you should live to avoid Hell on Earth or at the very least bad consequences of great environmental disasters that will come if you don’t. This includes what to eat, how much water, toilet paper, and electric to use, what car to drive, the list goes on. I would be fine, along with most Americans, with their religious beliefs until they start seeking legislation to force me to live the way they believe is right to achieve righteousness.

How is government supporting it? It is very obvious. Government is involved in what kind of light bulbs we use because of Environmentalists beliefs, E-Checks here in areas of Ohio and other states for regulating unproven standards to cars, government green energy programs, cash for clunkers, etc… All in the name of governments support and campaign for going Green. Even to the extent of pressuring car manufacturers into making cars that people will not buy. It’s only a matter of time before Earth Day is made a national holiday if this is allowed to continue. So, yes, I think you can make a good case for government sponsored religion. It is one thing to have a belief it is another to force your beliefs on the rest of us with laws, Happy Earth day!

- M. Garry

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