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Sunday, June 27, 2010

0 for 7 and Going for Broke: 0 for 5 Medicare & Medicaid

Both programs born from the 1965 Social Security Act, were signed into law by President Johnson has yet another attempt by our government to use tax payers money to cure society’s problems. This is my fifth example on how government fails us with social engineering attempts. After 45 years running, Medicare and Medicaid are running in deficits and are heading towards bankruptcy. The government’s own Congressional Budget Office warns that these two programs are unsustainable. When government gets involved two things will occur; the problem reoccurs every year, government has an excuse to exploit it for taxes and votes. These, the ones that interpret welfare to mean whatever they see fit, are politicians not angels of virtue, give them enough power without restriction and they will go on to abuse their position.



From cradle to grave the government with its good intentions breaks down the nuclear family. In this case we no longer have to worry about grandma or grandpa we just ship them off to the old folks home where medicare or medicaid will take care of them or in other words you and me. What happen before these programs, families took care of their own burdens. It seems only fair, they raised their kids so what's wrong with expecting a little help back.

These government programs also promote fiscal Irresponsibility. Government creates an atmosphere of dependence and creates the illusion that it would be impossible to save on your own. The government also, with these notions, treats us like children telling us that we could not make it without their help.

Is this true? What did people do before Medicare and Medicaid?

I know what did have to happen for survival, families had to stick together, people had to work hard and pass on buying those new pair of tennis shoes or having a TV none the less two or three in a household. Yes, the American family survived and had to alter their behavior to do so.

When you look at families and their elderly today how many instances can you point out to yourself where their priorities were misplaced. What kind of car do they drive? What kind of house do they live in? Did they make any sacrifices? You might tell me that is none of your business. My friends it is all of our business as long as people our using tax payers money and we pay those taxes.

- Micheal Garry

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