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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

0 for 7 and Going for Broke: 0 for 6 The Department of Energy

If you want to see an example of government’s opportunistic nature during a crisis to grow, look no further than The Department of Energy. The Department of Energy, created in 1977 during the Carter administration, was established for the primary purpose of getting the U.S. off her dependence of foreign oil. Now, 33 years later, not only has it failed to make us independent from foreign oil but, it has regulated the private sector into destabilization of her markets, a reduction of her domestic output, and a decrease in consumer welfare.

The budget for 2010 is projected at 38 Billion dollars. Does this sound like a success story to you? With all government departments and their programs there seems to be no establish goal and if there is one that is not met, the agency and the programs grow.


The department of Energy has been now hijacked by the faulty science of “Climate Change” with regulation without representation that is certain to stifle an already beaten down economy.

This is a department that was created by socialists for the sole purpose to change our behavior because it does meet how they feel everyone should live, claiming dire consequences to the Earth if we don’t behave. It sounds like religious zealots to me. I am all for sustainable energy but, windmills? You have to do better than that. The great thing about Capitalism is, it filters out the bad ideas and comes up with real solutions that are feasible and make sense/cents. If windmills were a good idea we would have farms everywhere, if electric cars were a good idea people, not the government, would be demanding their production.

The only exception to this rule is when government gets in the way, like in the case of nuclear energy. It’s the safest and cleanest form of energy yet, because of government, we have not built a new Nuclear Power Plant since 1974. Once again, showing that government does not solve America’s problems but, gets in the way by the taxation of her progress.


- Micheal Garry

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