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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

0 for 7 and Going for Broke: 0 for 2 - Social Security

Social Security, the most notable of the programs that came out of the “New Deal” in the 1930’s, had it’s start in 1935 has a good intended supplement for retirees by redistributing others wealth by force to give to others that did not save or have money. What they are not mentioning in government run schools is that, The Supreme Court actually struck down a large portion of the “New Deal”, ruling them unconstitutional. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court did not go far enough and the birth of Socialism began with the stroke of President Roosevelt's pen for much of the 1930’s.

Again, we will put aside the fact that it is wrong to take a percentage of ones money and give it to someone else because they did not properly save and manage their finances. What did people ever do before this? People today act has though people would be starving in the streets if it was not for Social Security. That is simply not true, like many other safety nets that are at the expense of others, people would be forced to take matters into their own hands and take responsibility for their own families. This would also serve has an incentive to live within ones means and keep families together.

What I can not put aside in looking at this program is the fact that it is giving out more money than it is taking in. Remember Bernie Madoff? Much like the Ponzi scheme he was imprisoned for, the Federal government does in the name of Social Security. Has a matter of fact, I think it might be worse. Social Security investors are being forced to invest into a program that promises a return but, the investor puts more in than they receive on return. The most generous predictions by the Congressional budget Office shows a decade until the system goes broke. Unless they bring more money in through more taxes or raise the age, this will surely only delay its end. I would say that instead of keeping Mr. Madoff in prison, The Feds should have him on the payroll.

So, 75 years of Social Security, how much longer does it take to admit failure? I say give real freedom of choice and let people decide what investments to make on their own. This idea is more in line with freedom than the way the system is now. There are risks to this idea but, when you look at the proven track record of failing government programs, privatizing Social Security sounds like a good bet.

- Micheal Garry

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