We are a group of political thinkers that believe that America's Politicians need to go back to following The U.S. Constitution. We believe that an intellectual and honest debate is needed to better define what being a Conservative means. We welcome any debate as long as you can express your view without making it personal. This is a forum to express Ideas not vulgarities.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Good, The Bad, & The President

The Good
It seems at times that there is no good in the world and that beacon of light that Reagan described has dimmed for those that abide by the law to come to live with us and for those who's only hope against a tyrant is that beacon. The rise of the Tea Party has attempted to re-light that beacon but, it will take a lot more help with so many in government opposed to that America. That America that protects the freedoms of Americans and does not make law with the presumption that they know what is best for every American.
The Bad
Those of us that provide false hope, that believe that government is the solution to all problems and that. Those of us that do not believe in constitution and the idea behind it that emphasizes the individuals rights over the governments, making it so that the state has to prove they have the power for what laws they make affecting us. Those of us that actually believe they are doing good by taking rights away in the name of "what's good for us", what ever that flavor of the month is. The ones that have paved the way with good intentions, to the economical diseaster we have today.
The President
President Obama more than doubled the national debt with the excuse that this would solve our economic problems, the same kind of spending that is the reason for our economic woes. A leadership that is defined by blaming others for his problems, bowing to our nations who would love to see a world without freedom, and apologizing to any world leader he can find, except for Japan with their leader telling Obama not to apologies for Pearl Harbor. With his 1st term almost over he still has not taken responsability for his actions in office and instead of inspiring people to succeed, he has more people during his presidency on welfare than any other president since it began. Instead of leading he has decided to divide and conquer with class warfare and race baiting. He has chosen to ignore our borders, and implement mandates against our will without the legeslative branch. Obama is president by name but, by his actions is more of a tyrant, that the courts are willing to tolerate and the congress to ignorant to enforce the checks and balances that would keep this executive branch from over stepping its authority. If this president gets another 4 years to impose his will on the American people, it will get ugly.
- Micheal Garry

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