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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Everyone Has Equal Rights Not Equal Abilities

Liberals often talk about how there needs to be a level playing field and they act has if the people that are successful in this country have won life's lottery and if the field was level everyone would be successful. The truth and reality of life in a free country is, some people have different starting points in life but, all have the freedom, having an equal ability, to be at a similar finish line.

One important outcome of our independence was that we became free to choose our destiny. A pauper could live like a king and a king, if lazy and foolish, could end up a pauper. Winning life's lottery could really be said for the children born from royalty or leaders of tyrannic forms of government in history, like Rome, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Communist China, etc..., that live in luxury while the people live in squalor. That is a fate that can not be changed, there is no freedom to create opportunities for one to advance any higher than what they are if their families are not in the circle of power.

The problem with the liberals idea of a fair playing field is, all though we are all treated equal, we do not all posses equal ability. Therefore, without taking from someone else, it would be impossible to level the playing field. Some may have to work harder than others to achieve the same goals, life is not fair, you make due with what abilities you have and the motivation to carry them to fruition.

To give an example, not everyone can play in the NFL, there are players that are natural athletes that make the team with little effort and their are others that have to work very hard to just to miss the cut. If liberals had their way, the NFL would have to allow for lessor talented players to make the team to make it fair. All their really accomplishing is lowering the level of performance and quality of the product. Just like everyone does not have the ability to make the team, not everyone has the ability to play on the same playing field as others.

In the land of opportunity, we have the freedom to take our abilities as far as they will go and our motivation will take them. Americans are successful not because they won life's lottery but because of hard work and determination, not giving up when the road blocks of life get in the way. Let's also not be critical of those who inherit wealth from their family, this wealth at some point was achieved. Besides, who among us would not want our kids to be financially secure if we had the means and who is anyone to say that it is wrong to leave our earned money to our loved ones.

Like most liberal notions, it has good intentions but, a perfect world solution does not work in an imperfect world where everyone is different. We all have equal opportunity but, we are all not with equal ability. What does work for everyone is for government to limited its intrusion into our daily lives.

- M. Garry

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