We are a group of political thinkers that believe that America's Politicians need to go back to following The U.S. Constitution. We believe that an intellectual and honest debate is needed to better define what being a Conservative means. We welcome any debate as long as you can express your view without making it personal. This is a forum to express Ideas not vulgarities.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Letter From an Out of Touch Liberal

(Original Post: April 8, 2010)

A little background first. I initially befriended my Step-brother on FaceBook with the best intentions not aware of his liberal leanings. He began to make comments which became more unpleasant and even vulgar at times. He did not like my stance on a few issues such as Gay Marriage and Welfare but, instead of giving me reasons he disagreed he began to call me names and even began trying to assassinate my character to whoever would read it. Mind you, he knows little to nothing about me.

I am sure this is a familiar story for those of us who have encountered liberals Idea of tolerance when discussing things they object to. Harassment followed on virtually every post with Steve making it his job to be the prove-yer of truth, his truth anyway. He had finally gave up on his crusade until this message and his Idea of victory for America in is own words. Enjoy!

Steve April 7 at 11:22pm

See, it was all just a matter of time before your theories and beliefs deflated.

ACORN...the video was edited to push an agenda.




And the real kicker is the lack of interest many Republicans now have in repealing the health care bill. They are more interested in their upcoming elections and know that pushing too hard against a bill that's going to have a positive effect is akin to cutting off their own head.

If they truly believed the bill was bad, they'd push and push and push to repeal the bill...regardless of the upcoming election.

Finally, I'm surprised your name hasn't popped up in the Michigan militia arrests. But, I don't expect it to be long before you snap and shoot up a post office.

Now, I certainly don't expect you to read any of the links I provided you with...you never do. You simply choose to believe the drivel of the right wing whackos that thrive off stupidity.

My Response:

You must of missed me,

I'm not sure what you are gloating about. What theories were defeated? Acorn is a corrupt organization that is out of business with several voting fraud cases pending all over the states. Care to listen to your beloved organization.


The Healthcare bill with back room deals and a promise to correct problems later and to use an executive order that cannot be used for a law that has passed anyway. Not what you would call upfront and honest. Not to mention that 38 States are pursuing legal action based on States rights against federal mandates that extend into the states. I am sure you are perfectly fine with people being fined for not participating or not meeting the minimum requirements for what coverage they feel you should have.

Your desire to force people to submit to what you think is right has no limits. Where as my belief is in giving people more choices to do and live how they want without government involvement.

still hanging on to global warming i see, one of the few. I have found it is useless to prove a negative and that's what it is at least for what humans can do for it or against it.

Michigan militia? shooting up a post office, you really don't know me well. No surprise. I have to admit you are holding back, you have called me and implied a lot worse. Oh yeah, you might want to check what political party the members of that militia affiliated themselves with. Well, one they knew about the rest they couldn't determine. I know evidence shmevidence.


If right wing drivel is Less government and more freedom, yes I will continue to support that. If right wing drivel is being against laws that are design to protect a chosen few or agendas that are not for all Americans, again yes.

I am conservative and will continue to support people carrying this message. I am happy to see that Republicans are being challenged by Conservatives successfully as well as Democrats being challenged. You probably did not know that almost half of the Tea Party is made up of Fiscal democrats and Independents with the other half Conservative.


Talk to me in November, the fight against socialism is far from over.

Taking other peoples hard earned money and having others decide who is worthy of receiving it is not charity, it's stealing.

- Micheal Garry

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