We are a group of political thinkers that believe that America's Politicians need to go back to following The U.S. Constitution. We believe that an intellectual and honest debate is needed to better define what being a Conservative means. We welcome any debate as long as you can express your view without making it personal. This is a forum to express Ideas not vulgarities.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

0 for 7 and Going for Broke: 0 for 1 - The U.S. Post Office

Although, it is pretty clear that by their many quotes and writings on the subject(One example: The Federalist Papers), the Founders of this country in no way meant the definition of welfare to be bastardized into what politicians have defined it today. Using “General Welfare” to establish their own power and reasons for being a career politician.

Let’s put that aside for a moment the General Welfare Debate and look at another reason that government should not be running Welfare programs that drain the wealth from the private sector to use under the false pretense of charity. It’s quite simple, they fail every time.

Let’s take a look at one of the very first programs the government ran, The U.S. Post Office. Established in 1775. 235 years in business and just last year this is what its CEO said of the programs financial status in front of Congress, "If current trends continue, we could experience a net loss of $6 billion or more this fiscal year," - Postmaster General John E. Potter. In other words they are BROKE!

The formula that contributed to this was the idea that you can compete with the private sector and the many different methods of delivering information without adjusting wages and making cuts necessary to compete. The Unions have a role in the financial noose they have placed around the neck of The Post Office with higher wages than what the cost of doing business calls for and the retirement benefits that come with it. If this was a private company running itself in this way, it would be out of business.

- Micheal Garry

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Letter From an Out of Touch Liberal

(Original Post: April 8, 2010)

A little background first. I initially befriended my Step-brother on FaceBook with the best intentions not aware of his liberal leanings. He began to make comments which became more unpleasant and even vulgar at times. He did not like my stance on a few issues such as Gay Marriage and Welfare but, instead of giving me reasons he disagreed he began to call me names and even began trying to assassinate my character to whoever would read it. Mind you, he knows little to nothing about me.

I am sure this is a familiar story for those of us who have encountered liberals Idea of tolerance when discussing things they object to. Harassment followed on virtually every post with Steve making it his job to be the prove-yer of truth, his truth anyway. He had finally gave up on his crusade until this message and his Idea of victory for America in is own words. Enjoy!

Steve April 7 at 11:22pm

See, it was all just a matter of time before your theories and beliefs deflated.

ACORN...the video was edited to push an agenda.




And the real kicker is the lack of interest many Republicans now have in repealing the health care bill. They are more interested in their upcoming elections and know that pushing too hard against a bill that's going to have a positive effect is akin to cutting off their own head.

If they truly believed the bill was bad, they'd push and push and push to repeal the bill...regardless of the upcoming election.

Finally, I'm surprised your name hasn't popped up in the Michigan militia arrests. But, I don't expect it to be long before you snap and shoot up a post office.

Now, I certainly don't expect you to read any of the links I provided you with...you never do. You simply choose to believe the drivel of the right wing whackos that thrive off stupidity.

My Response:

You must of missed me,

I'm not sure what you are gloating about. What theories were defeated? Acorn is a corrupt organization that is out of business with several voting fraud cases pending all over the states. Care to listen to your beloved organization.


The Healthcare bill with back room deals and a promise to correct problems later and to use an executive order that cannot be used for a law that has passed anyway. Not what you would call upfront and honest. Not to mention that 38 States are pursuing legal action based on States rights against federal mandates that extend into the states. I am sure you are perfectly fine with people being fined for not participating or not meeting the minimum requirements for what coverage they feel you should have.

Your desire to force people to submit to what you think is right has no limits. Where as my belief is in giving people more choices to do and live how they want without government involvement.

still hanging on to global warming i see, one of the few. I have found it is useless to prove a negative and that's what it is at least for what humans can do for it or against it.

Michigan militia? shooting up a post office, you really don't know me well. No surprise. I have to admit you are holding back, you have called me and implied a lot worse. Oh yeah, you might want to check what political party the members of that militia affiliated themselves with. Well, one they knew about the rest they couldn't determine. I know evidence shmevidence.


If right wing drivel is Less government and more freedom, yes I will continue to support that. If right wing drivel is being against laws that are design to protect a chosen few or agendas that are not for all Americans, again yes.

I am conservative and will continue to support people carrying this message. I am happy to see that Republicans are being challenged by Conservatives successfully as well as Democrats being challenged. You probably did not know that almost half of the Tea Party is made up of Fiscal democrats and Independents with the other half Conservative.


Talk to me in November, the fight against socialism is far from over.

Taking other peoples hard earned money and having others decide who is worthy of receiving it is not charity, it's stealing.

- Micheal Garry

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Right Way: Avoiding Socialism/Poverty

(Original Post March 29, 2010)

There are those of us who claim that there is no wrong way and no right way to get to where you want to go. Well, there are still right ways of doing things despite the modern mentality that everybody is right. After all, it would be wrong to hurt someone’s feelings by stating their fallacy.

Did you know that there is a right way to avoid being poor? Now, I am talking about a right way that would not harm your fellow man by; selling him drugs, stealing from him, or benefiting from another’s hard work by redistribution of wealth (oops! I already covered stealing).

The right way to avoid poverty goes something like this:

1. Avoid sexual promiscuity to avoid risk of a pregnancy before establishing yourself or finding a serious committed relationship.

2. Study and graduate from high school.

3. Get a job right out of high school with or without going to college.

4. Don’t have children unless you are financially able without welfare.

5. Properly parenting your children to live 1 – 4 of the above mentioned to avoid poverty. Before one can support hungry mouths, one must be able to support their own hungry mouth.

The above steps will create a cycle, creating better opportunities for individual success and help build a healthy community for many years to come. Now, I did not come up with this on my own. Many people before me have known this and its practice. I’m sure if you read the biography of the rich you’re going to find that the above formula was followed by most unless they were born into wealth. Now, there are exceptions to every rule lets just focus on the rule.

These above steps do not require lobbyists, political bribes, or higher taxes. This just requires a change in behavior, which will not bode well for career politicians that make a living on others dependency on government for survival. Socialism can not exist without dependants. How could they justify the high taxes on wealth if their programs eliminate “poverty”? The point being, Socialist-Democrats look at how many people need welfare for their success, versus how many people do not need it. The redistribution of wealth is the goal, not the elimination of poverty. This is stealing in its worst form because; it hides behind a moral high ground to take peoples money.

Despite what people might tell you, there are many Conservative ways to cut costs, solve social issues, and help people without spending a penny of the tax payer’s money. These ways are not the easiest. They require taking responsibility for ones own behavior and not throwing other peoples money at problems. Throwing money at it only lines other people’s pockets and the same problem exists every year right around budget time. So, there is not only a right way but much better way to avoid poverty without stealing from another through taxes to do so. This also destroys Socialism in the process, restores peoples self respect, and creates innovation and wealth like nothing else can.

- Micheal Garry

Monday, May 3, 2010

Haiti: Exportation of Welfare

(Originally written January 20, 2010)

Welfare fails just as badly abroad has the welfare system here in the states. The same reasons New Orleans was such a tragedy is the same reasons Haiti was a tragedy. Both places had a failed infrastructure despite millions of dollars being given to them in aid year after year, with no incentive to work hard.

Welfare stifles a climate of prosperity, and in doing so hurts the infrastructure turning an event like this into much worse. It is easy to throw money at a problem and feel good about yourself, it is much harder to resist and give someone no alternative than to make it on their own and be self sustaining. We should not give Haitians fish we should teach them how to fish.

- Micheal Garry